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In 2011, the South Africa Initiative was established by Taslim Moosa, Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) and Clinical Educator and Western University.   The primary objective of this initiative is to provide speech and language pathology services to less privileged communities while fostering a sense of social responsibility within the clinical education curriculum of SLP students at Western. Each year select graduating students participate in these supervised placements, providing a forum to discuss social responsibility and social justice, and an opportunity for student clinicians to apply lessons learned as they start their careers as healthcare providers here in Canada. In this way, Western combines the clinical skills training of students with the provision of much needed speech and language pathology services.  

Student Clinicians

Sarah Watson

I am extremely excited and grateful for this amazing opportunity! Not only will it help me advance my clinical skills, it will also be a unique learning opportunity and an incredible adventure. This placement will help me complete the transition from being a student clinican to a confident Speech-Language Pathologist ready to take on a career! This will also be my first international initiative, so I am excited to braoden my perspectives and grow as a clinicain. 

Lauren Perduk


I can’t imagine a better way to kick of my clinical career than to be a part of this initiative. I have been incredibly inspired by AAC users and am a strong advocate of the opportunities that they provide. I love the dynamic of working in a person-centred industry and this being my first international initiative, I am most excited for everything I have to learn from the amazing people of South Africa.

Clinical Supervisor

Taslim Moosa, MClSc 



Clinical Educator/Lecturer


The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders


Western University

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